Partner Blog 12-02-2019

Join ÃÛÌÒTV’s Dean Coclin to capitalize on upcoming trends

Jeff Barto

Plan to stay ahead of what’s happening in the industry and marketplace by attending our Latest Trends in TLS and SSL webinar.

  • Latest Trends in TLS and SSL
  • Tuesday, 11 December 2019
  • 8:00 AM PT / 11:00 AM ET / 15.00pm UTC / 17.00h CET

Join us to gain timely awareness of the ongoing and upcoming trends in the digital certificate ecosystem, including TLS, SSL, PKI, and document/code signing certificates. Leverage what you learn to add value and heightened relevance to your customers and prospects.

This quarter's Trends webinar is presented by respected industry veteran and statesman, Dean Coclin CISSP, Vice Chairman of the CA/Browser Forum. Dean will share our leadership perspective, empowering you with useful info regarding:

  • Identity and its critical importance to business/site validation on today’s Internet
  • The future roles of high-assurance certificates, including EV (Extended Validation) certificates
  • Verified Mark certificates
  • Real-time visibility into global marketplace statistics
  • Insights-in-advance which you can communicate to your customers —or capitalize upon
  • Updates on the decisions and baseline requirements of the CA/Browser Forum, including key discussions, working groups and ballots

See you on 11 December!


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