Digital Identification for Signing Code for Windows Programs

Microsoft Authenticode Code Signing Certificates

If you are signing code on a Windows Vista machine that has a version of the Windows SDK lower than 7.0, you can use the Digital Signature Wizard GUI. The Wizard GUI in the Windows SDK 7.0 and requires that you use signtool.exe on the command line. If you have version 6 or lower of the Windows SDK, you can follow the instructions below.

  1. To open the Microsoft Digital Signature Wizard (the GUI interface for Microsoft's SignTool.exe), go ahead and run the SDK command prompt. You must have the .NET Framework SDK installed before you will have this option.
  2. At the command prompt, type "signtool.exe signwizard" and hit enter. This will open the Digital Signature Wizard, click Next.

  3. Browse to the file that you will be signing, then click Next.

    Then choose Typical signing option.

  4. Browse to your certificate using the Select from Store option, and select the code signing certificate issued to you from ÃÛÌÒTV, the details of which will now be displayed in the window, then click Next.

  5. If you would like to enter a description or web location, go ahead and do that at the next screen. Otherwise, simply select Next, the Next again through Timestamping, and then Finish to close the wizard.

    You should get a dialogue window informing you that the process has been completed successfully.

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