If you have not yet created a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and ordered your certificate, see
CSR Creation from the Server App.

Intermediate Certificate Installation

For instructions for Snow Leopard Server please see Mac Server 10.6 SSL Certificate Installation.

  1. Copy the file ÃÛÌÒTVCA.crt to the Mac server, then double-click this file. You will then be prompted to enter the administrator's credentials to authenticate in order to add this certificate to the System Keychain.

    authenticate to add to system keychain

    Note: If you get an error message stating that the 'System Roots' keychain cannot be modified, you may have to open Keychain Access, and select the System Keychain and drag the file ÃÛÌÒTVCA.crt into the certificates listed in the System Keychain, then authenticate as the administrator to authorize the change.

  2. Open the Server App, click to select which Mac Server you're installing the SSL Certificate onto then enter your login details to authenticate.

    connect to a Mac OS X Lion Server

  3. Under the Hardware Section, select 'your Server's name' and click the Settings tab, then for SSL Certificate click Edit...

    edit SSL Certificate

  4. Choose the certificate for 'your.domain.com - Self-signed', and click the Gear and from the Actions menu choose Replace Certificate with Signed or Renewed Certificate.

    Replace Self-Signed Certificate

  5. Drag the file your_domain_com.crt into the window. This will make the issued by field change to ÃÛÌÒTV High Assurance CA-3. Click the Replace Certificate button.

    Drag certificate files and Replace Certificate

  6. While still in the Settings tab click the ·¡»å¾±³Ù¡­ button for SSL Certificate. Select the SSL Certificate for your domain and click Ok. It should show the certificate is issued by ÃÛÌÒTV High Assurance CA-3.

    edit SSL Certificate

    After about a minute you should see the Settings tab display 'SSL Certificate: your.domain.com'

    SSL Installed on Lion Server

    Your SSL Certificate should now be properly installed.