We’re constantly working to offer the most attractive partner program out there. Accordingly, we’ve decided to make this blog more valuable by going beyond its current just-the-facts style.
Moving forward, we intend to give you more insight into our intentions and ideas, alongside the feature highlights you’ve come to expect. Beyond communicating openly, we’ll share our ideas, perspectives, and any upcoming features.
As part of our effort to improve our validation system and enable a smoother experience for your customers, we’re adding the following features.
You can now automate domain control validation (DCV) for Organization Validated (OV) and Extended Validation (EV) certificates, assuming you’re in control of either the web server running the domain or the name server. The process for Domain Validated (DV) certificates is no different from what you’re used to, so you can simply point all SSL/TLS products to your existing workflows.
Subdomains for Pre-Approved DCV Approver Email AddressesWe reactivated our OEM platform feature, allowing approver email addresses based on subdomains.
For example, if your certificate order has a Common Name of secure.digicert.com, DCV approval can be sent to email addresses for that specific subdomain:
DCV approval can also be sent to the base domain email addresses from the WHOIS entry:
With each release, we fixed a few minor bugs and sent communications to impacted customers. If you weren’t contacted, these fixes didn’t affect you. We'll continue to update you as we improve continuity and performance.
In the next release cycle, we intend to:
To provide feedback, feature requests, and other comments on these releases, I encourage you to contact me directly at tobias.zatti@digicert.com. If you have ideas for improving this blog and making it more interactive, please bring those as well.