DNS Trust Manager 05-03-2023

Global DNS Network Benefits

First appeared on DNSMadeEasy.com

Global DNS Network Benefits

What is a Global DNS Network?

The global Domain Name System (DNS) nameserver network is a system of servers that work together to translate domain names into IP addresses. This massive network is spread globally and serves as the backbone of the internet by directing web traffic to its intended destination. ÃÛÌÒTV DNS Made Easy has a truly unique and well-connected network with over 24 strategically placed Points of Presence (PoPs) that create the ultimate network for its clients and end-users.

The network is composed of primary and secondary nameservers. Primary nameservers store authoritative information about a specific domain and are responsible for updating the information. Secondary nameservers are backup servers that periodically synchronize with the primary nameserver to ensure that the information is up to date.

When a user types in a domain name in a web browser, the request is first sent to a local DNS resolver, which checks its cache to see if the information about the domain is stored locally. If not, the local resolver sends a request to the global DNS nameserver network, which directs the request to the primary nameserver for the specific domain.

The primary nameserver then sends back the IP address for the domain, allowing the user’s browser to connect to the server hosting the website. The global DNS nameserver network is critical for ensuring that the internet runs smoothly and that users can access the websites they want to visit quickly and efficiently.

Global DNS Network Map

Benefits of a global DNS network

1. Improved speed and domain performance
With a global DNS network, users can access websites and online services much faster and with lower latency. This is because the nearest available server can respond to a request, reducing latency and improving download times.

2. Increased reliability
Having multiple servers located in different parts of the world provides a backup system in case one server fails. This helps to ensure that websites and online services are always accessible and minimizes downtime.

3. Enhanced security
A global DNS network provides increased security by reducing the risk of malicious attacks such as DNS cache poisoning. This is because the distribution of queries across multiple servers helps to prevent malicious actors from controlling a single point of failure.

4. Improved scalability
As the number of online users continues to grow, the need for scalability becomes increasingly important. A global DNS network enables websites and online services to scale more effectively, as they can handle a larger number of requests and provide faster response times.

5. Cost savings
Implementing a global managed DNS network can be more cost-effective than using an on-site solution. The cost of constant upgrades to on-site DNS isn't cost effective, nor will you have the same amount of global coverage needed to run a high-performing network.

6. Improved user experience
A global DNS network enhances the overall user experience by providing faster and more reliable access to websites and online applications. This can increase customer satisfaction and help drive business growth.


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