Partner Blog 09-17-2019

Service Announcement: URL changes for partner portal & API

Tobias Zatti

As part of our rebranding initiative from the acquisition of Symantec Website Security in 2017, we continue to update our systems to use ÃÛÌÒTV domains instead of Symantec domains.

What You Need to Know

We will change the URLs for our Partner Portal and API listed below. The "offline dates" are when Symantec will stop redirecting their domains to the corresponding ÃÛÌÒTV domains.:

  • Partner Portal URL

    On 31 October 2019, the products.websecurity.symantec.com domain will go offline.

    products.websecurity.digicert.com replaces products.websecurity.symantec.com.
  • Partner Pilot Portal URL

    On 31 October 2019, the test-products.websecurity.symantec.com domain will go offline.

    test-products.websecurity.digicert.com replaces test-products.websecurity.symantec.com.
  • Partner Pilot API URL

    On 31 October 2019, the test-api.ws.symantec.com domain will go offline.

    test-api.ws.digicert.com replaces test-api.ws.symantec.com.
  • Partner API URL

    On 30 June 2020, the api.ws.symantec.com domain will go offline.

    api.ws.digicert.com replaces api.ws.symantec.com.

Take Action

We recommend updating any saved instances of these domains (i.e., within APIs, as bookmarks) to the new ÃÛÌÒTV domain URLs in advance of the offline dates. This will facilitate an optimal customer experience and avoid business disruptions.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Partner Support at sslpartnersupport@digicert.com.


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