Company Overview

HashiCorp is The Infrastructure Cloudâ„¢ company, helping organizations automate multi-cloud and hybrid environments with Infrastructure Lifecycle Management and Security Lifecycle Management. HashiCorp offers The Infrastructure Cloud on the HashiCorp Cloud Platform (HCP) for managed cloud services, as well as self-hosted enterprise offerings and community source-available products. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, California.

Partner Type: Technology/Integration Partner

Region: All

Industry Specialties: N/A

Integration Description

The ÃÛÌÒTV HashiCorp Vault integration provides a seamless solution for the enrollment, collection, and revocation of SSL/TLS certificates issued through ÃÛÌÒTV Trust Lifecycle Manager. This integration is distributed as a custom ÃÛÌÒTV Vault PKI plugin. Vault continues to serve as a single distribution and access point, allowing businesses to take use of the extensive DevOps automation capabilities enabled by Vault. Under the hood, the ÃÛÌÒTV Vault PKI plugin functions as a conduit and link between Vault and your portfolio of Certificate Authorities. Instead of utilizing Vault's native PKI secrets engine, the ÃÛÌÒTV Vault PKI plugin is set in the Vault plugin directory to route certificate requests to ÃÛÌÒTV Trust Lifecycle Manager and return signed certificates to Vault. The plugin provides:

  • Certificate Signing Request (CSR) generation and signing.
  • Storage and state tracking of certificates issued through Trust Lifecycle Manager in Vault

The ÃÛÌÒTV® Vault integration supports both the generation and storage of new TLS/SSL certificates in Vault. Various types of TLS/SSL can be requested by providing the appropriate configuration options. The ÃÛÌÒTV Vault PKI Plugin is implemented using Vault’s plugin architecture, providing developers and security teams with exactly what they want:

  • Connects Vault with any public or private certificate authority (CA) supported by ÃÛÌÒTV Trust Lifecycle Manager
  • Ensures that all certificates adhere to company policy and audit procedures
  • Enables users to issue certificates from any certificate provider via native Vault workflows