Partner Blog 10-11-2019

Big Changes Coming to Legacy Partner Portals and API

Jamie Elvidge

Changes are coming for our legacy partner portals and APIs. Read the details below so you can be ready to meet the expectations of your customers.

What to know

To complete our brand transition as the leader in TLS/SSL products, several elements of our legacy Encryption Everywhere, GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Symantec and Thawte partner portals and APIs will meet their end-of-life (EOL) between now and mid-April 2020. The dates vary by brand and platform, so please take careful note of all the information below.

  • Legacy Partner Portals

    On 30 April 2020, Symantec will stop hosting the legacy GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Symantec and Thawte portals and will simultaneously stop redirecting traffic from their URLs.

    All active certificates issued through the legacy portals will remain valid until they expire unless revoked.

  • ÃÛÌÒTV CertCentral Partner Portal

    The CertCentral Partner portal replaces our legacy partner portals, and it now offers all our continuing brands and products. All new orders and certificates are already populated in CertCentral (including those submitted through our legacy portals); by the end of 2019, all active TLS/SSL certificates will be populated there, too.

  • Legacy Partner API

    Symantec may end its support of our legacy partner SOAP API as soon as 30 April 2020. All active certificates issued through the legacy API will remain valid until they expire unless revoked. .

  • Encryption Everywhere API

    Encryption Everywhere (EE) utilizes our legacy EE REST API which will be EOL on 31 December 2019. However, all active certificates issued through the legacy EE API will remain valid until they expire unless revoked.

  • Cert Central API

    The CertCentral API replaces all our legacy partner portals, and it now offers all our continuing brands and products. The CertCentral API is active and already at functional parity now.

    The CertCentral API includes full support for Encryption Everywhere and its workflows. As a result, you can test, implement and migrate your EE implementation to the CertCentral offering of EE now.

What to Do

To ensure continuity for your revenue stream and operations, we encourage you to migrate your usage of our legacy systems over to their continuing equivalents on our CertCentral Partner platform

  • Portal-Based Partners

    We're preparing your CertCentral Partner account now. We'll contact you when it's ready for you to activate and begin using it. If you suspect that the intricacy of your usage or implementation will require early testing access before the certificate and order data is populated, contact your account manager who can help determine the necessary implementation resources. Regardless of when you begin migrating to it, plan to complete your migration to it by 30 March 2020 if not sooner; doing so will afford you at least one month before the 30 April 2020 EOL date, thereby affording you with time to resolve any residual or last-minute migration matters. In your planning, we recommend that you identify your workflows where you use our legacy partner portals and prepare to update those to the CertCentral portal, too.

  • API-Based Partners

    Please plan your implementation of the CertCentral REST API now, along with planning to conclude your usage of our legacy API. In your planning, we recommend that you estimate any development work to migrate from legacy APIs to the CertCentral API. Documentation for the new API is with written specifically for partners to help you understand the structure and standard order placement process.

  • If you need our assistance with planning or implementation, contact your account manager, who can help determine the necessary implementation resources.
  • If non-active certificate information or old order data is important to you, we recommend that you export your customer and certificate data from the legacy portal(s) before 30 March 2020. We do not currently expect to migrate any old orders nor inactive, expired or revoked certificate data from our legacy portals into CertCentral.

What's Next

This blog post serves as your formal notification of the EOLs. We expect that subsequent emails and blog posts on this topic will merely serve as reminders, with the sole exception of clarifications to the EOL scope and schedule.

We intend to provide communications for the migration to CertCentral Partner via multiple sources including email, our Partner Blog, our public and in-portal notifications. We also intend to support your migration to CertCentral Partner through our account managers, SEs, technical support team, trainers and regional partner marketers.


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